Friday, October 2, 2009

I love that sound...

After a long hard day at work with a bunch of crazies...I come home to the sound of silence...???? How is this possible...Nate is sick and usually screaming and the t.v. is usually blaring with some show I am sure we can't live our life without watching. But, tonight was different...I walked into silence. I couldn't believe my ears...had my wildest dream come true, certainly not...after all God is still getting me back for all those thing I did in my teens and early twenties. That is how children were "created" I'm sure of it... payback ....God's way of saying "HA!".

Nate was finishing a bottle and the dogs were relatively tame, which is a rarity these days. Matt was reading a book and feeding Nate at the same time...Don't even ask how it is possible for him to pay attention...just go with it. We played a nice game of Scrabble Slam in which I beat Matt's ass 5-0....yes I prevail as Scrabble Slam champion!!!! Yes, this is what we have succumbed to at 8:30 on a Friday night...awesome...yay parenthood!

I am actually having a cup or two or three of some delicious coffee so that I may stay awake long enough to see the joyous homosexuals dance around a bar tonight for my friends birthday. He wants us to Gay bar hop tonight and I have to say I am pretty excited about it...except the whole staying up past 10:30 pm thing...that might be my struggle tonight. Hence, the coffee....numerous cups of coffee...lets hope I survive this one!!!

1 comment:

  1. Don't you love when there are moments where everything is perfect like that?! I had one of those last week, and then Charlie pulled a lamp down on his head. Ahhh. Maybe I'll get another moment in the next, oh, five years.
